A Thriving Congregation in Millstone

Our youth play a vital role in strengthening our congregation. They participate within all aspects of church life and are encouraged to utilize their many talents while serving God, our church and our community. Youth Ministry at Hillsborough Reformed Church is made up of children in Elementary school and youth ranging 6th through 12th grades. In all our activities, an emphasis is placed on fellowship and developing strong bonds with one another and the church.​

Here’s a sampling of the type of activities that engage the youth of our church:

  • Youth Sunday's are special worship services where the youth create a fun and appreciated Sunday church service.
  • Organize an annual service project for Thanksgiving.
  • Lead the organization of an annual "SOUPER" Bowl fundraiser.
  • Donate their time at the monthly SHIP Picnic Lunches in Somerville NJ

If this sounds like something you or a family member would be interested in learning more about, contact  the church office at (908) 359-3391. or email hrcsecretary@comcast.net

Educating Younger Children on Christian Life

Hillsborough Reformed Church offers both Sunday School and Vacation Bible School programs.

  • The Sunday School Program is staffed by dedicated and caring teachers and meets Sundays at 9 a.m. September through May.
  • Vacation Bible School, affectionately referred to as VBS, is a highlight of the summer for many of our young people. Each summer, we offer a one week, half-day program for kids ages 3 to 12 that includes activities, crafts, and music centered around a theme that all can relate to. 

Learn more about these programs by reaching out to our church office at (908) 359-3391 or e-mail hrcsecretary@comcast.net.