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Happy Fall HRC Family!  As you know, the need for meals for the food insecure continues to grow, especially as food costs have increased.  As such, we continue to partner with SHIP to offer bagged lunches to the food insecure once per month.  They distribute both hot meals and bagged lunches to their clients 5 days a week.  You can help to feed the hungry by donating any of the items on the list, donating Shoprite gift cards, and/or by helping to make sandwiches and assemble the lunches!  

Please join us in Memorial Hall on Wednesday, December 12 at 6:30pm to enjoy fellowship as we make sandwiches and pack the lunches that will be delivered the following day.  We ask that all donations be delivered to Memorial Hall anytime from Sunday, November 10th at 11am through Wednesday, November 13th at 6pm!  Please be sure to clearly mark your donations for SHIP.  Thank you for continuing to be the love of Christ in the lives of those in need!  

God Bless You!

Thank you!      
